Olma, Bernd / Suliková, Rozalia (2012): Freie Wohlfahrtspflege im Wandel.
In: SOZIALwirtschaft aktuell, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden,
Ausgabe 14/2012, ISSN 1619-2427
Olma, Bernd (2009): The effects of the economic crisis on the non-statutory welfare service in Germany by the example of the ‘Deutscher Caritasver-band’, in Vysoká skola ekonomická v Praze: Nestátní neziskové organizace a ekonomická krize, Working Paper 2/2009, ISBN 978-80-245-1594-6
Olma, Bernd (2009): Value Management and Sustainability Management – A Global Challenge to the Economy, in: 11th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED), Brati-slava, Slovak Republic, ISBN-13: 978-0-9797659-5-7
Olma, Bernd (2008): Corporate governance structures in the executive committees of social welfare charities in Germany, in: Vysoká skola eko-nomická v Praze: Nová teorie ekonomiky a managmentu organizací, Rijen 2008, ISBN 978-80-245-1408-6
Olma, Bernd (2007): Risikomanagement in der Sozialwirtschaft – Rahmen-bedingungen, Akzente und Ziele, in: Hertel, G. et al (Hg.) (2007): Wissen-schaftliche Schriftenreihe Management, EIPOS e.V., Dresden, ISBN 3-9809371-6-X
Olma, Bernd (2006): The paradigm change within the Non Profit Sector – consequences for the strategic management, in: Vysoká skola ekonomická v Praze: Nová teorie ekonomiky a managmentu organizací, 2. Díl, Rijen, ISBN 80-245-1091-X